Fall into Elegance: 12 new PentalQuartz Designs Launching This Spring Read more

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Editorial Features in Portrait Magazine

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December 1, 2021      

We’re always excited to see our products featured in gorgeous designs, but even more so when they end up in a glossy magazine! Check out our amazing PentalQuartz® and Natural Stone as featured in no less than 4 editorial stories in the No. 50 issue of Portrait Magazine (Seattle and Portland editions)!

Blue Rome quartzite countertop

Blue Rome quartzite countertop

Modern Marvel featuring our quartzite as a backsplash above the stove.

Pentalquartz countertop

Pentalquartz® countertop

Playful Spirit featuring PentalQuartz®.

Pentalquartz countertop

Pentalquartz® countertop

On the Waterfront featuring our Calacatta Marble.

Pentalquartz countertop

Pentalquartz® countertop

Stylish Bungalow featuring PentalQuartz® in Super White.